北京時間 10 月 18 日,NBA 總裁亞當 - 肖華在參加了 ESPN 的節目《First Take》時談到了全明星賽制問題,肖華表示:" 我們正在考慮今年印第安納全明星的賽制可能發生的一些變化,也許在球隊的展示方式方面,會回歸到更傳統(東部 VS 西部)的方式。" 這一表态立刻引起了球迷們的關注,對于全明星的賽制問題,球迷們紛紛表示:還是東西部對決更好看。
[ 1" ] 把這項傳統帶回來,讓球員們在比賽中穿着自己球隊的球衣。"
Bring that back and players wearing their own team ’ s jersey during the game
[ - ] "NBA 永遠不會回到過去了,因爲他們要靠賣全明星球衣賺錢。"
NBA will never go back to it because they make money from All Star jerseys being sold
[ -- ] " 那設計師的創造力出了什麽事,菲尼克斯和聖安東尼奧全明星的球衣是怎麽變成現在這樣的?"
What happened to creativity man how do you go from the phoenix and San Antonio jerseys to this?
[ 4 ] " 西部的球迷又回到了我們常規賽全明星賽的統治地位。"
West fans back to our regular All-Star Game dominance
[ - ] " 東部球星:字母哥、塔圖姆、傑倫 - 布朗、恩比德、巴特勒、阿德巴約、斯科蒂 - 巴恩斯、德羅贊、拉文、米切爾、特雷 - 楊、班切羅、布倫森和拉梅洛 - 鮑爾。
Eastern stars of: Giannis, Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Embiid, Butler, Bam, Scottie Barnes, DeRozan, LaVine, Mitchell, Trae Young, Banchero, Brunson, and Lamelo.
I say the east is pretty stacked and will match up just fine against the All Stars Western team
[ -- ] " 約基奇、庫裏、KD、布克、比爾、東契奇、莫蘭特、AD、詹姆斯、倫納德、喬治、福克斯、薩博尼斯、錫安、唐斯、戈貝爾、愛德華茲、SGA
西部遠大于東部 "
Jokic, Steph, KD, Booker, Beal, Luka, Ja, AD, Bron, Kawhi, PG13, Fox, Sabonis, Zion, KAT, Gobert, Ant, Shai,
[ 7 ] " 很好,我不喜歡隊長選人。接下來把這個帶回來。"
Good, I ’ m not a fan of the draft. Bring this back next.
[ - ] " 這就是全明星賽應該有的樣子,精英中的精英代表他們其中的一方,并試圖表明誰是兩者中更好的一方。"
This is what it should be, the best of the best representing their side and trying to show which one is the better side of the two
[ 9 ] " 終于!(我曾這樣祈禱過無數次)"
[ - ] " 終于如此了,哥們!我從來不知道詹姆斯隊和字母哥隊的對決有什麽意義。"
Finally man! Never understood that team LeBron vs team Giannis
[ 11 ] " 爲了讓全明星賽有意義,誰赢了誰就能在總決賽中獲得主場優勢。"
Make it mean something whoever wins get home court advantage in the finals
[ - ] " 這是沒有道理的,排名靠前的種子球隊在總決賽中就該擁有主場優勢,因爲他們是靠成爲排名靠前的種子或者有更好的戰績才獲得了主場優勢,"
That makes no sense the higher seeded team should have home court in the finals they earned that by being the higher seed or having a better record
[ -- ] " 沒錯,全明星賽是球員們的休息日,純粹是爲了娛樂,它不應該影響聯盟的總冠軍歸屬,尤其是像主場優勢這樣重要的東西。"
exactly, the all star break is meant to be a break for the players and purely entertainment, it shouldn ’ t affect the winning side of the league, especially not something as crucial as home court advantage.
[ 14 ] " 爲什麽呢?這種分區對決沒有任何曆史意義,它們隻是基于地理位置。隊長選人很酷,我不明白這有什麽問題。"
Why tho? The conferences don ’ t have any historic significance, they ’ re just based on geography. Picking teams is cool, I don ’ t get the issue
[ - ] " 如你所說的,爲什麽要有東部 VS 西部的總決賽呢?讓赢球最多的球隊成爲 NBA 總冠軍不就完了嗎? ♂️"
So from what you ’ re saying why have a west vs East championship? Just let the team with the most wins be the nba champion ♂️
[ -- ] " 隊長選人很糟糕。這隻适合孩子們。在總決賽中給全明星賽勝利的分區主場優勢,看看比賽會變得多精彩。無論如何,總決賽的主場優勢不應該由不同的分區戰績決定,用戰績來決定是沒有意義的。"
Picking teams sucks. It ’ s cool for kids only. Give winning conference home court in finals and watch how good the games become. Finals home court shouldn ’ t be decided by separate conference records anyway, makes no sense to do it by record.
[ 17 ] " 西部的陣容可太好了。"
West is to good
[ - ] " 這是不公平的,因爲詹姆斯和杜蘭特都在同一個分區 "
It would be unfair because both LeBron & KD are in the same conference
[ 19 ] " 是的,我們在隊長選人的全明星中玩得很開心,現在讓我們回歸競技籃球吧。"
Yeah we had our fun with the pick up game style, now let ’ s get back to competitive basketball
[ - ] " 過去 6-7 年的東西部對決很糟糕,所以他們改變了它,然後它開始變得有些有趣。"
the last like 6-7 years of east vs west was terrible tho thats why they changed it and then it started getting somewhat entertaining