虎撲 11 月 13 日訊 2023 賽季中超聯賽近日正式落下帷幕,成都蓉城球員艾克森今天更新社交媒體表示,回顧這個賽季我充滿感激,想發自内心再說一聲謝謝。
艾克森社媒寫道:Thank you, Chengdu!
As I look back on this incredible season, my heart swells with gratitude to all the amazing fans who have supported me and our team. The warmth and passion you've shown me is just beyond words.
⚽️ Here's a little something to relive the magic. ✨ Each goal carries the spirit of hard work, dedication, and the love I've received from all of you. From the bottom of my heart, xièxiè! ❤️