The following article is from 經濟管理學刊 Author 經濟管理學刊
作者 | 于曉宇,上海大學管理學院,上海企業創新與高質量發展研究中心;曹港、俞俊宇,上海大學管理學院;趙雁飛,牛津大學賽德商學院
來源 | 經濟管理學刊,管理洞察
咨詢合作 | 13699120588
原文刊載在《經濟管理學刊》2024 年第 3 卷第 2 期,(2024 年 6 月出版)
随着人工智能技術的迅速發展和數據量的大幅增長,人工智能在商業模式創新和演化中的作用日益受到企業界和學術界的廣泛關注。盡管當前人工智能與商業模式相關的研究仍然處于初步探索階段,并且主題和内容分散,但是這一領域的研究潛力巨大。本文系統回顧 70 篇國内外關于人工智能與商業模式交彙的文獻,明确區分四類研究主題:人工智能對商業模式創新的影響、基于人工智能的商業模式原型、人工智能使能的商業模式演化,以及人工智能與商業模式的共演。本文揭示了當前研究的局限性,并針對各研究主題,進一步提出了具有重要價值的研究方向,旨在爲該領域的深入探索和實際應用提供理論指引和實踐指導。
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商業模式已經在戰略、組織和創業等領域獲得了廣泛關注。在互聯網時代,許多新興企業通過基于互聯網技術的商業模式創新,挑戰在位企業,實現了颠覆性創新與規模化增長。伴随數據驅動型的人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,簡稱 AI)技術快速進化,在位企業開始利用人工智能持續推動商業模式創新與演進。尤其是 ChatGPT 4.0 等大語言模型發布之後,越來越多的企業開始将人工智能融入其商業模式之中。例如,一些醫療機構正在利用大語言模型來開發輔助診斷工具、病曆分析系統,以及爲醫生和患者提供醫療咨詢的聊天助手。這使得商業模式創新和演化等問題成爲當前國内外管理理論與實踐讨論的焦點。
人工智能是一種通過機器實現的智能技術,不僅能夠執行人類交給它的特定任務,還在商業模式創新及其演化方面展現出獨特的成效。既有研究表明,人工智能技術正在重新定義企業如何構建和調整其商業模式以适應迅速變化的市場需求。這種技術驅動下的變革正逐漸成爲學界和實踐界的研究焦點。例如,Journal of Management Studies 2023 年特刊客座編輯強調,人工智能在企業構建和創新商業模式的能力中發揮着關鍵作用。同年,Strategic Management Journal 的特刊也指出,探索 AI 如何賦能新商業模式是一個亟待解答的問題。許多學者強調,人工智能等新興技術對企業的商業模式提出了新要求,需要企業将關鍵生産要素與新技術融合(陳勁等 , 2022; 蔡莉等 , 2023; 張志學等 , 2024)。
本文使用系統文獻法(Systematic Literature Review,簡稱 SLR),對相關文獻進行系統回顧與評估。SLR 包含四個步驟。第一步,确定關鍵詞和期刊來源檢索。本文以英國商學院協會(Association of Business School,簡稱 ABS)2021 年出版的高質量學術期刊指南中 ABS4*、ABS4 和 ABS3 期刊等級爲期刊限定标準,并将 "Business Model""Business Model Innovation""Business Model Transformation""Business Model Design""Business Model Evolution" 分别與 "Artificial Intelligence""AI""Machine Learning""Neural Network*""Deep Learning""Data Mining""Text Mining""Big Data""Soft Computing""Fuzzy Logic""Biometrics","Geotagging""IoT""Internet of Things""Robot""Automation""Natural Language Processing""Wearable" 結合,在 Web of Science 和 Scopus 數據庫中進行關鍵詞系統檢索,共得到了 728 篇英文文獻。第二步,初步篩選,排除 101 篇期刊不符(不屬于 ABS3 及以上的期刊)、87 篇文章類型不符(如編輯材料、撤稿聲明、修改聲明等)和重複文獻,剩餘 540 篇。第三步,初步考察内容适宜性。兩位研究者通過獨立閱讀文獻的标題、摘要和引言,判斷文章能否反映研究主題,具體的判斷标準爲:①文章必須明确地讨論或分析人工智能與商業模式之間的聯系;②文章必須以此爲主要研究問題并來解決,并非簡單涉及。若上述标準都滿足,則保留所查文獻,針對有争議的文獻邀請第三位研究者讨論決定是否删除,最後篩選保留符合研究主題的 43 篇英文文獻。第四步,深入審查保留文獻,并且通過跟蹤綜述文章的文獻列表,符合 SLR 滾雪球的指導原則,人工補充了與本文研究主題相符的 12 篇英文文獻。因此,本文共精選了 55 篇英文文獻。
國内也已經有學者關注到了人工智能與商業模式的相關研究,但是相關文獻仍較少。本文選擇國家自然科學基金委管理科學部認定的管理類 30 種重要期刊,将 " 商業模式 " " 商業模式創新 "" 商業模式設計 "" 商業模式轉型 "" 商業模式演進 "" 商業模式演化 " 與 " 人工智能 "" 機器學習 "" 神經網絡 "" 深度學習 "" 數據挖掘 "" 文本挖掘 "" 大數據 "" 軟計算 "" 模糊邏輯 "" 生物識别 "" 地理标記 "" 物聯網 "" 機器人 "" 自動化 "" 自然語言處理 "" 可穿戴計算機 " 結合在中國知網數據庫中進行主題專業檢索,共獲得了 55 篇中文文獻。本研究按照上述英文文獻的篩選标準對這 55 篇中文文獻進行深入審查,共精選出 14 篇中文文獻。最後,本研究跟蹤所選文章的文獻列表,人工補充了 1 篇與研究主題相符的中文文獻。基于此,本研究的文獻研究樣本數總共爲 70 篇。
With the maturation of artificial intelligence ( AI ) technologies, many companies have begun to innovate their business models using AI. This trend has especially increased following the successful release of ChatGPT 4.0, which has led numerous companies to integrate AI into their business strategies. Consequently, the innovation and evolution of business models have become focal points of discussion in both academia and the industry globally.
Despite the growing body of research on AI and business models in recent years, the findings on this topic are fragmented and there is a lack of a unified research framework for systematically understanding it. It is therefore challenging to identify the core themes in current research on AI and business models and key directions for future research. In response to this shortcoming in the literature, this study systematically reviews 70 key articles on AI and business models from leading international journals. By classifying and organizing this literature, the paper identifies four main research themes: ① The impact of AI on business model innovation, including its influence on overall business models and their components; ② Archetypes of business models based on AI; ③ The evolution of business models enabled by AI; ④ The co-evolution of AI and business models. Through summarizing and analyzing current research, the paper proposes key areas for future research, including the impact of AI on business model innovation at firm and industry levels; the classification of AI-enabled business models into archetypes and the drivers and outcomes of each archetype; the interactive factors involved in, drivers of, and barriers to the evolution of AI-enabled business models; and the relationship between AI capabilities and business models from a co-evolutionary perspective.
This paper contributes to the field in three main ways. First, it synthesizes the themes and gaps in research on AI and business models, thereby advancing the study of business models in the age of AI. Second, it reveals that AI-enabled business models exhibit characteristics of complex adaptive systems, including self-iteration and adaptability. Finally, by systematically reviewing current research, it highlights future research directions, guiding subsequent studies on AI and business models. Overall, the paper provides new theoretical and practical insights into how AI is reshaping business models and outlines potential pathways for future research.
The paper is structured as follows. The first section discusses the theoretical and practical background of the study. The second section reviews and defines relevant concepts in AI and business models. The third section details the literature review process followed and analyses the 70 articles. The fourth section elaborates on the four research themes related to AI and business models identified in the study and discusses the gaps in the literature regarding these themes. The final section presents the conclusions of the study and the prospects for future research on this topic.
華夏基石 · AI 啓航論壇